Thursday 29 May 2014

A cure for Monday-itis

So usually when I call Flick (that’s what I call her, Flick.  I’m not sure if you are allowed to call her that, you will have to ask her!).  The conversation always drifts off with me saying something like “I’m going out to dinner on Saturday night, it’s casual but I want to look nice.  But I don’t want to look like I have tried too hard and I have absolutely NOTHING to wear”.  Flick then proceeds to ask me, do you have skinny jeans?
Me: “Nope, but I have black pants that are skinny”.
Flick: Do you have a grey singlet? 
Me: “hmmmm no, but husband does and I could quickly gather up the sides on the sewing machine”.
Flick: And what jackets do you have?  I then proceed to list the lot including a few weird impulse purchases I have made that includes a sequence crop jacket that I thought Flick would know what to do with.  So there I have it, in one brief conversation I have a whole outfit for Saturday night, which I would never have put together on my own.  Not because I don’t have a clue about fashion, I do, a little bit anyway, but because Flick just see’s it differently and can whip up an outfit for me WITHOUT even knowing what I have in my
 wardrobe.  She’s a genius, really she is!

So that’s where this blog idea started.  Little questions, dilemmas, the same old things we ALL struggle with.  I have nothing in my wardrobe but I have a wardrobe full of clothes, do my boobs look big/small in this?  I just spent a stack of cash on a whole bunch of clothes that I now don't know if I will even wear, or I don’t know if they even suit me?  I have these questions all the time, I love to look nice but sometimes I wish I had a Fairy God Stylist to look over me.  

And then there are the “mum dilemmas”….I want to look nice but I’m not going to an office and I’m barely leaving the house, I will probably end up with baby vomit on me and I can’t wear my favourite dress that I love to throw on because breast feeding in that dress would require me to hike it up over my head, not a good look really.  There’s the little bit of ‘pouch’ that just wants to hang around and muffin top in my skinny jeans is not something I want to put on display.  My list is endless..ha ha!!

So with all my questions I have, Flick has some great solutions.  Calling this a ‘Fashion Blog” is definitely NOT what it is.  When you think “Fashion” you usually think of the latest trends being thrown about, many of the clothing pieces are unobtainable or made for the tiny model that is wearing it in the picture.  

So we have teamed up to make this blog about fashion (or every day clothing) relevant for every day women.  Looking at affordable pieces to suit your body shape and lifestyles.  Plus, we have other interests too.  We love food, we love homewares, we love renovating.  I am always searching out healthy ways to feed my kids as are my friends and we love sharing these amongst each other.  So look out for lots of (hopefully) interesting lifestyle ideas.  

The idea behind Made for Mondays is that every week Monday rolls around and no matter what you do, stay at home mum, corporate, retired, working from home etc etc Monday always sneaks up on us.  We start to plan our week, wondering what will I wear, what will I cook, what will I make for the kids lunches, should I get up early in the morning to exercise?  Our blog will hopefully be a little Mondayitis cure that will put a pep in your step for the week and give you one less thing to think about.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Who are we?

Here's a little bit about us.


Fast forward through fashion college in Sydney, working for magazines, a high end PR firm, Fashion Week,  Personal styling school in England, working as a stylist for several different companies before starting my own stylist business Wright Style, which has been running for the past couple of years, to NOW......I want to help make all women feel and look amazing. If a woman feels confident and looks great she can take on the world.
Everything I have learnt and experienced over the past 10 years I am using to make women shine. As you can see it is something I am quite passionate about!! Made For Monday's is an extension of this passion, enjoy Xx

I’m a wife, mum of 2 little boys, lover of Farmers Markets and good hair.
I love a good project and usually have far too many on the go at the one time, which means a cupboard of unfinished projects.
I love to sew, hate to clean, am a terrible gardener but great at dressing my kids up for special dress up days at school.
I am obsessed with Pilates, so much that I became a qualified instructor and then a qualified Physiotherapist Assistant (1 week after I gave birth to my second son so I am yet to dive into this career).

This blog is meant to be a place for you to stop by, have a laugh, maybe get some inspiration for your day or week or learn a tip or two. Share your thoughts with us and inspire us right back.